Shared Inventory Slots Gw2

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Guild Wars 2 Inventory Space Management Guide by Jerich

I always run out of inventory space in any MMO I play. The main problem is that I love to craft and quest and always have a ton of those items on hand. Here are some things I’ve found out about GW 2 to help me plan my storage space.

Starting Inventory

A Guide To Maximizing Inventory In GW2. I always run out of inventory space in any MMO I play. The main problem is that I love to craft and quest and always have a ton of those items on hand. Here are some things I've found out about GW 2 to help me plan my storage space. Starting Inventory Account. 30 shared bank slots. Show bags changes how bags’ inventory slots are displayed. You can hide the bags, making all the slots appear as if they were one gigantic bag, or show the bags to view them separately. We recommend the former. Embed Shared Bag makes your shared slots appear together with your regular slots as if they were the same thing. We don’t recommend you do this because shared slots are a completely different beast and should be displayed as such to make them easier to spot.



  • 30 shared bank slots
  • Crafting Material / Cooking Material / Mini-Pet Storage… You can have 250 of each crafting item stored.

PSA: Shared Inventory Slots currently on 30% sale Question Close. Posted by 8 months ago. PSA: Shared Inventory Slots currently on 30% sale Question Title. I remember being really down when I missed the sale around New Years, so there's probably others like that. The great 'Guild Wars 2 - Limbo Iceberg' 1.2k. It can be shared with alt characters in the shared inventory slots. How to Obtain and Use the Tome This tome can be obtained from any Unbound Magic Collector in Season 3 maps. Guild Wars 2 Guides, Walkthroughs, and Highly-Opinionated Content. Particularly if you put one in a Shared Inventory Slot so that you can use it on all of your.

Per Character

  • 20 slot starter backpack
  • Four bag slots
  • You can have up to 5 characters



  • 4 slot bags can be purchased from vendors for 32 copper
  • 8 slot bags can be made by crafters (tailor, leatherworker, armorsmith) with 20 tier 1 materials (jute scrap, rawhide scraps, copper ore)
  • Each tier of crafting makes a higher quality bag (10 slots, 12 slots, 15 slots, etc). In addition to raw materials, these higher level bags require an increasingly expensive vendor item called runes of holding.
  • 20 slot bags can be made at max level, and they require a superior rune of holding (10 gold) to make.

Specialty Bags

Shared inventory slots gw2 guild
  • All three professions can make invisible bags (which don’t show up when selling to merchants)
  • Tailors can make 8-20 slot Craftsman’s Bags (New crafting materials are placed here first when looting)
  • Leatherworkers can make 8-20 slot Oiled Leather Packs (Junk items are placed here first when looting)
  • Armorsmiths can make 8-20 slot Reinforced Padded Equipment Boxes (Weapons and Armor Fill this bag First)

Gem Store Upgrades

Free Storage

  • We start with 30 bank slots
  • Each Character Starts with a starter pack and 4 bag slots (100 maximum slots)
  • We can make 5 characters.
  • That means we all have 530 free slots without using the cash store (which is a pretty decent number considering we have seperate storage for crafting ingredients in our bank and can send crafting items to the bank while on the field)

Bank Tab Expansion

  • You can expand your bank 7 times for 600 gems each time
  • Each expansion adds another 30 slots
  • Since gems will most likely sell for 400 for $5.00, this each expansion will cost around $7.50.
  • Each extra equpment slot bought this way is therefore 25 cents

Character Slot Expansion

  • You can buy more character slots for 800 gems
  • This is about $10.00 US currency
  • If you assume you can easily get 20 slot packs, you can get 100 equipment slots this way.
  • Each extra equipment slot bought this way is therefore 10 cents.
  • Even if we factor in the high price of 20 slot bags and just use 8 slot bags, each slot is still only 19 cents a piece

Bag Slot Upgrade

  • You can add an extra bag slot to a single character for 400 gems (Up to 3 times)
  • This is about $5.00 US currency
  • If you assume easy 20 slot packs, this is 25 cents a slot
  • If you use 10 slot packs, this is 50 cents a slot

Tips to Maximizing Your Inventory on the Cheap

How to get by without extra bag slots even if you are a crafter

  • Buying salvaging tools should be prioirty #1… Even if you don’t craft, you will want to mine every ore node / chop down every tree you come across for experience and profit. You can buy them from vendors in most starting areas.
  • You can buy a crude salvage kit at many renowned heart vendor for a small karma price. Use these kits to break apart trash drops.
  • Send any crafting material directly to your bank by right clicking on it and choosing (send to bank)
  • You can quickly sell junk items to renowned heart vendors through the sell all junk items button.
  • You can post any item you think will selll (crafting ingredients will sell really well until bots ruin the market) by directly opening up the trading house. I will write a guide on this later.
  • You can also mail items directly to an alt from the interface if you have a second account (directy from the interface without using a mailbox). Tyr Odinson (on post 51) tested this and calculated you can get 100 extra spots of storage this way. Check out his post here: http://www.guildwars…ap/page__st__50
  • Using these steps, the default bag slots should be more than sufficient

Organizing your Bags

  • Ideally, I will organize my bags this way… Starter Pack = Overflow and a space for my salvage kits
  • Bag #1 Reinforced Padded Equipment Box… All my salvagable loot will come here for me to quickly break apart or sell on auction house
  • Bag #2 Craftsman’s Bag … All crafting material will gather here for me to quickly righ click and send to bank.
  • Bag #3 Invisible Bag … My Extra gear (extra weapons / armor, buffs, etc) that I don’t want to sell on accident will go here.
  • Bag #4 Oiled Leather Pack … Junk items will go here so I never have to sort through them.

Efficient Use of Gems

  • Buy Character Slots First: If you find yourself running out of space… Your best bet is to make sure you are using all five of your character slots and then to buy more character slots
    • First… this is the cheapest use of gems by far (10 cents per equipment slot compared to 25 cents for the other options)
    • Second… It is quite possible that Arena Net will give each of your characters a birthday gift like they did in Guildwars 1. These are usually worth money and on a per character basis.
  • Buy Extra Bank Slots Second: I would only buy bank slots if you find the 30 default slots too annoying. While not as good a deal as character slots, they are a quality of life issue and mean you won’t have to mule as much.
  • Buy Extra Bag Slots Last: These are not a good deal. I would only buy them if you find yourself running out of working space consistantly and even then only for your main characters.

Part 2: Gem Store Upgrades vs 20-Slot Bags
As like any MMO, bags in GW2 get more expensive as you get better and better ones. Here is a table that lets you quickly see the scaling cost per inventory slot for each level of bag:

Note: (For a more detailed listing of how I calculated these numbers… go to…post_32754.html)

The Price of Bags

  • Starter Backpack (20 new slots): Free!
  • 8-Slot Bags (32 new slots): 6 copper / slot
  • 10-Slot Bags (8 new slots): 3.47 silver / slot
  • 12-Slot Bags (8 new slots): 7.38 silver / slot
  • 15-Slot Bags (12 new slots): 17.60 silver / slot
  • 18-Slot Bags (12 new slots): 75 silver / slot
  • 20-Slot Bags (8 new slots): 6 gold / slot

*These costs are assuming 8 slot packs are 50 copper and other packs sell for 1.5 times the cost of the rune

The Price of Gem Store Upgrades

  • Extra Character Slot (80 new slots assuming 15 slot bags): 10 gems / slot
  • Bank Tab Expansions (30 new slots): 20 gems / slot
  • Extra Bag Slot (18 slots assuming 18 slot bags): 22.22 gems / slot

When should you buy gem store upgrades instead of 20-slot bags?

  • Extra Character Slots: Buy When Gems are Cheaper than 100 gems = 57 gold
  • Bank Tab Expansions: Buy When Gems are Cheaper than 100 gems = 30 gold
  • Extra Bag Slots: Buy When Gems are Cheaper than 100 gems = 24 gold

Note: I don’t think the price of 100 gems will reach 24 gold until at least a month after launch. If gems ever go over 57 gold per 100, that will probably be at least a couple months after launch. That means it will most likely be better to purchase gems for inventory upgrades instead of investing in 20 slot packs.

Shared Inventory Slots Gw2

Edit: Shayne Hawke created a rather epic Excel spreadsheet where you can input the current auction house price of bags. It then tells you whether you should update your bag sizes or buy bag slots etc for EVERY type of bag. Definitely worth checking out… Here is the Link: http://www.guildwars…ap/page__st__57

Part 3: Adding Inventory By Purchasing Your Own Private Guildbank

We can be part of multiple guilds at once in Guildwars 2. This means that you could create a dummy guild just for the sake of a guild bank. While I think we should always represent our real guilds so that our task influence go to our guild, it is quite possible to buy the influence you need to purchase a guild bank. Here are the breakdowns…

Cost of Hiring a Guild Promoter

  • 10 influence for 10 silver
  • 100 influence for 1 gold
  • 1,000 influence for 10 gold
  • 10,000 influence for 100 gold

Cost of adding a guild bank

  • 500 influence to research Architecture Level 1
  • 1,000 influence to research Architecture Level 2
  • 1,000 influence to add a 50 slot guild bank (requires level 2)
  • 5,000 influence to research Architecture Level 3
  • ??? influence to research Architecture Level 4
  • 5,000 influence to add 100 additional slots to your guild bank (requires level 4)
  • ??? influence to research Architecture Level 5
  • 10,000 influence to add an additional 100 slots to your guild bank (requires level 5)


This means that it will cost a mere 25 gold to add the first 50 slots to your personal guild bank. That is about 50 silver per slot and is comparable to the jump from 15 slot packs to 18 slot packs.

While we don’t know right now how much architecture level 4 and 5 will cost, let’s assume that they are 10,000 and 20,000 respectively. This means that the next 100 slots would be 200 gold or 2 gold a slot. The final 100 would be 300 gold or 3 gold a slot. Note that both of those are better deals than moving to 20 slot packs (although using this route will probably take over a month of real life time).

I hope this helps!

– Jerich of Gaiscioch / Sanctum of Rall

P.S. Thank you Shayne Hawke for pointing out a minor calculation error (which caused around a 10% error)! I have modified the OP to reflect this.

GW2 vs TSW

Bronte asked his readers to compare GW2 and TSW. It’s something I’ve been pondering recently as well. Here’s a fairly detailed comparison:

GW2 has an excellent prosocial atmosphere; there’s literally no competition with other players for any resources in game, and the game’s mechanics encourage you to play with others. It also boasts a HUGE game world, with a lot of encouragement to explore and muck about. GW2 is the kind of game that I feel works best when unplanned; I log in and wander about doing whatever seems fun at the time. It’s generally a relaxing game, in this regard.

TSW uses a traditional “monster tagging” system, meaning there’s competition between players to see who can kill what. There are also some quest objectives in the game world that players can click on, and these are likewise shared. That means that sometimes you’ll be delayed by other people doing what you want to do.

GW2’s customization isn’t great; you can swap weapons to swap out your main skills, and you can choose from a smallish list of other skills to use once you unlock the slots and the skills. Still, by and large a Warrior who fights with a Greatsword will be pretty much like other Warriors who fight with Greatswords. All characters have healing skills and there’s very little “tanking” to be done (also little aggro control); having said that, characters in heavy armor do mitigate damage better than characters in light armor. Still, the holy trinity doesn’t really exist in GW2, which is a good thing.

TSW has the best character customization I’ve yet seen in an MMO. It’s entirely skill-based, with active and passive skills arranged in trees by weapon type. Active skills are restricted based on the two weapons you wield, but passive skills can come from any tree. There are a surprisingly high number of meaningful options to consider for any build, and a player who’s willing to put some time into understanding the mechanics can do remarkable things. Any character can swap between builds when out of combat, as well, so one character can be a tank, or a healer, or dps, as you prefer. TSW does use traditional tanking mechanics and traditional healing.

GW2’s story doesn’t engage me much. The cutscenes are… quirky… to be kind. They’re fairly static and show the characters in the conversation half facing each other and half facing the “camera”, with some abstract backgrounds. The voice acting is good, but the scripts don’t tend to give the voice actors much to work with. Granted, I haven’t played in a couple of weeks, but I also don’t recall any NPC names except Zojja, and I only know that one because I’m a big fan of Felicia Day (who did the voice acting for that char).

TSW’s story and lore are absolutely magnificent. I can’t overstate this. I’ll avoid spoilers… but… TSW is the kind of game where there’s a LOT more going on than first appears to be the case. As you spend time in an area, you can – if you wish – learn the history of the area, both by collecting lore (physical objects scattered in the game that unlock written lore in your in-game journal) and by talking to the NPCs. Very little is handed to us as players in TSW; we have to piece things together and do a fair bit of detective work if we really want to know what’s going on. Funcom made twitter accounts for some NPCs, and websites for locations and organizations in the game… so you can do “real world” research to learn e.g. about the budding romance between Danny Dufresne and Carter, the gifted young student at the Academy.

TSW and GW2 both have magnificent graphics, though the art direction is quite different. GW2 has a watercolor feel to the art, while TSW’s more photorealistic. Both games have good cosmetic clothing systems. GW2 has the best use of dyes I’ve yet seen in a game; basically you unlock a dye once per character and can then use it at any time to dye any piece of armor you have. Items in GW2 have two or three “dye slots” each, and you can put the same color in multiple slots if you like, so for each item you can pick one to three colors out of all your dyes. TSW, on the other hand, has a completely cosmetic clothing system; your character’s stats have nothing at all to do with the clothing you wear. That frees characters up to wear literally whatever they want, so you find a lot of unique looks. GW2 has better character creation options, with a lot of sliders for precise control, while TSW only lets you choose from prefab faces, noses, lips, etc.

Combat in both TSW and GW2 is fun and dynamic. Both games let you move around while using almost all skills, and both games require players to pay attention during fights and move around to avoid damage. TSW’s combat is more complicated since you have many more choices for skills to use at any given time. GW2’s combat does allow players to work together to form combos (essentially, one player creates a field of some sort and another player can interact with that field, e.g. player A creates a wall of flame and player B fires arrows through that wall, creating flaming arrows). In practice though, I don’t see a lot of combos used most of the time. Both GW2 and TSW feature limited hotkeys; in GW2 you eventually unlock 10 skill slots, while in TSW you have 8 active and 8 passive skill slots (one active and one passive slot are only used for the new auxiliary weapon types; the first of which is the rocket launcher).

TSW’s crafting is unique. There’s no crafting skill, so anyone can make anything, provided they have the right materials. All weapons and equipment that you find in game can be broken down into base materials. Materials can be combined to upgrade them, or broken apart to downgrade them. There are no crafting nodes in the world; all materials come from items you loot and disassemble. Because there’s no crafting skill, there’s no need to make any items except the ones you want to use; this is the only crafting system I’ve ever used that never once requires me to make a single thing I won’t use. That’s honestly very appealing.

GW2’s crafting is more traditional. Every character in GW2 can have two crafts at a time, though you can switch your active crafts around for a (nontrivial) gold cost. Materials are gathered from nodes in the game world, and tools are needed to gather with (mining picks, sickles, and axes). Many crafting components are also dropped by monsters, and it’s possible to salvage many looted items into raw materials. Gathering materials grants (normal leveling) experience, and crafting things yields both crafting and normal experience.

TSW’s inventory system is slot-based; the weight of items doesn’t matter. You have 50 inventory slots to start with and can unlock more by spending in-game money. You can divide your inventory into as many bags as you like; you may only fill as many slots though as you have unlocked. So e.g. I might have four bags showing, each 5×4 slots, meaning I visibly have 80 inventory slots, but I can only put 50 items in there before needing to unlock more slots.

GW2’s inventory is traditional and slot-based; the weight of items doesn’t matter there either. Characters start with one backpack of 20 slots and can loot, buy, or craft more bags. Slots for additional bags are unlocked via gems, which can be purchased in the cash shop for real world currencies, or bought with in-game cash. Yes, you can exchange in-game GW2 money for real world money, and vice versa. GW2 has a marvelous inventory feature that allows players to deposit all crafting items to their bank from anywhere in the world. Crafting materials are automatically sorted into the (account-wide) bank vaults when deposited, so it’s very easy to find things when you want them.

Both TSW and GW2 have auction houses that are game-wide. GW2’s auction house prices are incredibly low, meaning it’s hard to make much profit there, but it’s also easy to keep your gear upgraded for very little cost. TSW’s economy relies more on the expectation that players will craft some of what they want; in GW2, crafting is a good source of experience but is a gold sink.

TSW’s quests are often quite challenging. Investigation quests require players to do real-world research, e.g. looking up a famous painter and learning to identify his painting style so you can identify one of his works. Sabotage quests involve a lot of sneaking around in areas with foes that are extremely challenging to fight, so there’s a strong emphasis on stealth and planning. Foes in many quests are also designed to require a bit of creativity in the builds used to defeat them; in TSW, you’re expected to be able to change your build to fit a situation. So e.g. you might find that some foes are very difficult to defeat unless you use some damage-over-time effects on them, while other foes might be healed by any damage-over-time effects you put on them. In TSW, one size does not fit all.

GW2’s quests come in two flavors: renown hearts and dynamic events (DEs). Hearts can be “filled” by doing any combination of activities from a list of what’s needed in an area; e.g. you might be asked to kill some local pests, or collect data from malfunctioning robots, or use bizarre tech to investigate disturbances underground… and you can do whatever combination appeals to you. So you might e.g. kill a few pests, then collect some data, then kill another pest, then investigate those disturbances a bit… or you might just decide to collect data and nothing else… or you might just want to kill stuff. Dynamic events involve a series of pre-scripted occurrences, which lead to other occurrences based on player interaction. So e.g. some centaurs might attack a camp, and if they’re not defeated, they’ll set up some siege equipment, and if you don’t stop them, they’ll attack a nearby town. Whatever you do, it tends not to be terribly challenging on an intellectual level. Fights might be difficult in GW2 sometimes, but the quests are not. Players are not expected to change their builds much if at all during the course of normal gameplay, though different builds might suit different activities better; what works in PvP might not work as well in a dungeon. On the other hand, the world itself in GW2 feels very active… there are things happening all over the place, and monsters and NPCs running to and fro in pursuit of various goals.

TSW has no levels, traditionally speaking, but characters do advance and gain power, and gear is ranked by quality level, where 0 is the starter gear and 10 is the best stuff around (there are further divisions of QL10 stuff, going up to 10.4 for endgame gear). There’s a fair expectation that players will repeat content; all quests except the main story and investigations can be repeated. As players grow more powerful, the content becomes easier, in the normal sense.

GW2 has 80 levels, handled traditionally. However, all areas in GW2 have maximum levels associated with them, and any characters above that level are “downleveled” to match the area. As a result, characters never become overwhelmingly powerful anywhere in game. That’s a good thing insofar as it retains challenge well, giving players good reason to hang out in lower level areas (you get rewards based on your level, not on the level of the area), but then it can also be pleasant to experience the results of character growth, by returning to an area that was once challenging and steamrolling it; that won’t happen in GW2.

I’ve done a moderate bit of PvP in TSW and none in GW2 yet. I think GW2’s PvP is likely to be excellent though from what I’ve seen; the sieges look very promising indeed. Still, I can’t say for certain how they compare.

I haven’t yet done any dungeons in GW2. I really, really enjoyed the three dungeons I’ve done in TSW. Not having seen both sides though, I can’t compare them yet.

Shared Inventory Slot Gw2 Sale

Honestly, both GW2 and TSW are fantastic games. They’re very different in atmosphere and feeling though. GW2 is bright and fairly simple and very social; TSW is dark and scary and intense and less innately social.